Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Got 2b POWDER'ful Volumizing Styling Powder

I recently discovered a new little gem. Well new to me at least. This has been around for some time now not too sure how long..but I just now discovered it and want to share it with everyone.
 If you like more volume in your hair than read on..
This amazing powder is from the brand Got 2b and is called "POWDER'ful"

This is how my hair looks like in the morning with nothing in it. I have thin flat hair and in order to give it some volume I would normally have to tease it a lot and hair spray it down a bunch

This is how my hair turns out after applying this amazing product onto my hair and adding just a touch of hair spray for a bit of hold and to control any fly-a-ways. This product is just so amazing!!!
 I can't say enough about it. If you like volume in your hair and do not want to tease the crap out of it than you need this in your life.
 It's very easy to use. You simply sprinkle it directly on to your roots where you would like the volume and rub it in. From there you will see the volume.
Best of all, it's very affordable. I've seen other brands like Big Sexy Hair selling there's for about $15 but Got 2b runs only about $2.99-$4.99 depending where you get it. I got mine from Amazon but they also sell it on the Walgreens website and probably other sites as well. I have not yet found this product in stores though.
I love love LOVE this hair product
and I highly recommend it to everyone who likes or want volume in their hair!!!