Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Urban Decay Naked 3 Pallet

~ Urban Decay Naked 3 Pallet ~ 
Here are the colors up close
(Can you tell which colors I like to use the most)

Here is the make up look I did with the UD3 Pallet today

For my Lips I am wearing one of my Favorite lipsticks from the Maybelline Color Sensational line in "Make me Pink" and on top of that I have on a Revlon lip gloss in "Peach Petal" (which they discontinued..sniff.. sniff)
I am just soooo in LOVE with the Urban Decay Naked 3 Pallet. I got it for Christmas 2013 from my lovely sister Sandy and I seriously have worn it everyday since then.
 At first I didn't think I would like the pallet so much since this is a rosy tone pallet and normally rosy tones do not look good on my eyes. But the colors in this pallet surprisingly looks great on my eyes. (at least I think so..lol)
I also like a lot of the colors in this pallet and find myself using more than just three colors unlike my UD Naked 1 pallet I pretty much stuck to just using three colors from there everyday. (I do love the UD Naked 1 pallet as well) 

This is just such a great pallet. It is so pretty, girly, and feminine. It is a MUST have for all you make up lovers out there!!

Red Cherry Lashes #600

These are the Red Cherry Lashes in #600

This is how it looks like up close

I do really like these lashes because they are NOT so long and not so crazy dramatic looking on me. I usually like to wear them with a smokey eye so it won't look as dramatic compared to a very natural eye look. (Yes, I know I am wearing it with a natural eye look right here and it looks ok but in real life it looks too dramatic for me)
Overall, these are one of my favorites so far from my recent Red Cherry lash order.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Red Cherry Lashes

Red Cherry Lashes
Here is my recent Red Cherry lash order from Madame Madeline.
Yeah, I've been a little addictive to lashes again. It's actually been a while since I was into false lashes. But somehow I just wanted to wear them again lately.

The first pair that I wore were these Red Cherry Lashes #1. It looks pretty natural on camera but in person it looks pretty long especially if you are up close. I like them though.

Here it is up close

Here it is with my full face ^_^

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to ReUse your Candle Jars

I love my Bath and Body Work Candles.
In fact, I love them so much I burn them until there is about 1/2 an inch left and then I save them so I can take a sniff at them when I want to smell something good. LOL! But I've come to realize that I'm starting to have too many almost empty candle jars taking up space.
What to do with them??
I've heard on YouTube how people reuse them to store things but I've always been too lazy to search for a video on how to remove the wax in fear that it would be too difficult or that it would take too many steps to remove the wax. However, since one of my goals for 2014 is about ORGANIZATION I decided to search for a couple of videos on YouTube to see how it's done and to my surprise it was really simple to do. I can't believe how long it took me to try this but if you are like me and have almost empty candle jars sitting around and are looking to be more organize or ideas on how to reuse them, than keep on reading and follow these easy steps down below:
  1. Boil some water
  2. Pour the hot water into your candle jar about 3/4 of the way
  3. Let it set over night
  4. Remove the wax (which at this point it should be floating on top of the water)
  5. If you still have some wax stuck to the bottom of the jar than get a butter knife (in my case I used the handle of a spoon, which worked fine ^_^) and poke it into the wax. This should break the wax apart and allow you to remove it easily from the jar. If the wick is still stuck on the bottom of the jar then just use your butter knife to lift & scrap it out. It shouldn't be stuck on there too hard by this time because the water had already loosen the glue.
  6. Use a dish sponge with soap to wash out your candle jar and remove any left over residue of the wax.
  7. Peel off the stickers on the side and bottom of the jar (which again should just come off easily at this point)
  8. You are DONE!!

This is how your candle jar(s) will look like when cleaned.

Mini, 3-Wick and Small candle jars
These are just some ideas of how I reused my candle jars.
I hope these easy steps will help out some of you who are looking to reuse your candle jars.
Trust me it's super easy and I can't wait to see what else I can do with them :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 2014 Manicure

I have been LOVING this color combo on my nails lately. (But I do prefer a dark purple base rather than this black color) This is not a fresh paint. I did this a few days ago but it still looks decent so I thought I would show you guys what it looks like.
These are the two colors that I used. The black color is called "Midnight" by Savina. (Found @ Nordstrom Rack) The glittery purple is called "It's Bouquet with Me" by Sephora by OPI.

I am surprised that this glittery polish only takes 2x the application to get it like this. I thought it would be like their chunky glitter where it takes FOREVER just to get a couple of glitters on your nail. So I am happy to found it easier to apply and not too bad to take off either. Oh and did I mention the sparkle is AMAZING!! The picture really doesn't do it any justice.
Here is a close up of the glitter. It is just so PRETTY and SPARKLY!!